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tv   WGN News at Nine  CW  October 19, 2012 9:00pm-10:00pm CDT

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>> what a single father walked into today that took his life. our top story seen around the country today police think he interrupted a burglary and tom- is live at carey police headquarters. gary police headquarters. a hard-working family man is gone the single father of a teenage girl who is now missing both of her parents. friends are gathered around jerry goods house to mourn some have known
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him their whole lives he hosted regular barbecues' here, grew up in the same home where he was shot and killed this afternoon from the front door. he has a daughter that will never see her daddy except in a box. >> he was raising his daughter on his own he came home from his job at american freight for lunch with a co-worker today when they noticed signs of a break-in. and they picked up a metal broom handle and he was getting ready to attack the guy and the guy turned around and shot him. jerry was a hard- working guy he didn't bother anybody, loved his family, took care of his daughter. it may have been another killing that brought him closer to his family his brother was murdered 20 years ago this lost his sister say is almost more bacon bear.
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why would you do my brother like this? what did he do to you for you to kill him? >> friends and family members of the victims and anyone who has any information about this crime is asked to come forward. >> it took six months but there is a break in the fatal shooting of an employee at a sandwich shop last february police say this 36 year-old anthony white walked into subway at the ukrainian village neighborhood and announced a robbery there one employee ran in the back of the store, white is accused of shooting her he is charged with first-degree murder and armed robbery. white has several past drug convictions and a chicago high school students shut down
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this afternoon after an attempted robbery the 18 year- old was a senior ad banner academy sell high school, police say he was leaving school when he fought back against five robbers and he was pronounced dead at advocate christ medical center in the oak lawn. police are speaking with two persons of interest tonight. >> gaynor hall is standing by where the woman's loved ones are gathered they say disappearing for nearly one week is just not in her character tonight friends and relatives of her are preparing for the worst. she is just not wandering somewhere she wouldn't be that type of person, somebody heard her bed. hurt her bad. >> if anyone knows anything step
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up to the plate that's all we ask. >> for car still parked out in the driveway but no one has seen or heard from the 42 year-old since last saturday, when the hairstylist didn't show up for work this week for co-workers requested it will be checked there were concerned friends believe she was in an abusive relationship. she never had a bad thing come out of her mouth and for this to happen to her i don't even know what to say i just can't believe it's happening. crime scene investigators today combing through the home she shared with her boyfriend for one year. a police helicopter hovered overhead officers also searching nearby woods. we would still like to find her alive and well somewhere, we have to go under the presumption that maybe foul play was involved. so where is her boyfriend? police cannot confirm this situationwill not confirm
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into the situation is unsettling for neighbors. they are now leading the major crimes task force in this investigation and police are asking volunteers to meet up at 915 tomorrow morning at the parking lot in the city, they are going to conduct a ground search focusing on the forest preserves near her home. a house in aurora declared on fit for humans after piles of garbage in hundreds of birds alive and dead are found inside. good evening the owner of the home has not been identified because so far no criminal charges have been filed at this point he is looking at several code violations in the city of aurora there is a serious mess inside and they will not be able to clean up until tuesday next
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week. after obtaining a search warrant, a hazmat team entered the home around 1015 this morning or police and fire personnel were also on the scene finding hundreds of birds inside, dead and alive. the floors and walls were covered with bird droppings and garbage. the home was actually so full of junk and trash that it actually impedes any efforts to effectively remove the birds so it's a very challenging situation and there air samples had to be taken from inside the home to determine what kind of protection the cleanup crews will need before they could even enter the home they will have to specialize in animal cleanup. we need to know exactly what the hazards are going into that building. neighbors who live here had suspected for some time that something inside the home wasn't quite right. there were birds flying through the house
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free not in cages. and i saw bird mess on the windows and stuff like that, it's been going on for several months at least police say the owner of the home that he got his first board eight years ago that he says things spiraled out of control. there are dozens of species inside including finches canaries and parakeets. i've never seen that many birds and one house especially in an area like this. i never noticed the birds before i did hear much of anything coming from there. city officials say the owner is cooperating with the investigation as for the birds that are still alive, good news for them they will be rescued and cared for by an organization called the greater chicago caged bird club. arsenal road near ellwood remains close tonight while oil cleanup crews are still there the road was closed about nine this morning after what's called
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an oily mist spewed from the exxon mobil refinery, a safety valve released from pressure buildup in the system caused, police closed the entrance and exit ramps at by 55. residents there reported a foul smell but officials say there was no health hazard from the mess. coming up, the first lady campaigning hard for her husband. congressman joe walsh's controversial comments on abortion, tonight he is taking a back, sort of. it back, sort of. the future of high-speed rail in illinois, we will have a report coming up. >> we have had showers with sleet mixted but that storm has been around here for three days
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now, we are about ready to move into a much warmer air later in the weekend and next week, it will be like mid september rather than late october. and we have some rain in the forecast as well, it the fullbothell bothell
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[ female announcer ] over the years your mouth has sipped snacked ...yellowed... lived loved, ...yellowed... chatted, chewed ...yellowed. and over all those years, your teeth...have yellowed. fact is if you're not whitening you're yellowing. crest 3d white whitestrips remove over ten years of stains by going below the enamel surface. and, they whiten 25 times better than a leading whitening toothpaste. crest whitestrips. life opens up when you do.
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what we want to do today show the people of illinois a and america what we can do right here in the midwest. illinois politicians are showing the rest of the country what illinois can do with high-speed rail. >> hitting a top speed of 111 mi. per hour, what we are doing will be in the history books because it is the next generation of transportation. the landscape is a blur
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when you look out the window at 110 mi. per hour. now the funding can be secured by 2015 they are hoping that 75 percent of this route between chicago and st. louis will hit the top speed. this is a smart train we are on so it's able to detect well in advance several miles out whether the gates and lights are activating and whether there are any obstacles on the tracks. illinois gov. paquin likes the economic stimulus the project is generated with the $2 billion federal and state investments to upgrade track integrate crossings. governor clinton and dick durbin say that high-speed rail straw'squinn and dick durbin
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say the high-speed rail brings economic development. public and private funds have served as an economic anchor in this community many argue leading to revitalization. next, it will be joliet's amtrak station undergoing a 42 million-dollar transformation skeptics question the cost effectiveness of high-speed rail which cost billions of dollars to build but senator durbin says naysayers will be left in the dust. for those who think that real service is yesterday and not tomorrow, get on this train. riding the high-speed rail, julian crewsuz, wgn news. >> i just want you to remember
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and know and understand that what we do for the next 18 days will absolutely make the difference between waking up on november the seventh the day after election day and wondering could i have done more? or, feeling the promise of four more years. >> the first lady pumping supporters north of the border today, meanwhile the president in virginia doing the same thing both battleground states that could swing the election side. republican challenger is mitch romney and paul ryan focusing on another battleground state vice- presidential candidate paul ryan speaking with tampa on to progress on their thoughts about improving the economy later in the day he and romney for a rally. illinois congressman joe walsh backing up after his comments about how there is no medical reason an abortion should be performed to
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save the life of a mother he says there are rare circumstances when it should be done. his congressional opponent tami duckworth seizing on the issue as the two continue to go toe to toe. it's really sad he would take this position infringing on a woman's rights to choose what to do with her own body with her own doctor and her own family. mrs. duckworth thinks so poorly of women that if she can simply utter the word women and only women will forget all about the fact that they are unemployed and that they are struggling to stay above water on their mortgage. they say
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coming up, a new generation of farmers how one chicago woman is reaching into her family's past to build her future, she is one of chicago's very own. a medical watch, keeping the faith people really love snapshot from progressive but don't just listen to me. listen to these happy progressive customers. i plugged in snapshot, and 30 days later,
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i was saving big on car insurance. with snapshot, i knew what i could save before i switched to progressive. the better i drive the more i save. i wish our company had something this cool. you're not filming this, are you? aw! camera shy. snapshot from progressive. test-drive snapshot before you switch. visit today. this is america. we don't let frequent heartburn come between us and what we love. so if you're one of them people who gets heartburn and then treats day after day... block the
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acid with prilosec otc and don't get heartburn in the first place! [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. what's more beautiful than a covergirl? two covergirls! that's right get two miracles in one product. covergirl makeup and olay advanced hydrating serum. it's tone rehab 2-in-1 foundation. one pump covers spots, lines, and wrinkles. and one bottle helps improve skin tone over time. that's what i was supposed to say now. well, no one can understand you. ♪ ♪ tone rehab 2-in-1 foundation from easy -- breezy -- beautiful... covergirl! covergirl! and try new pressed powder to help brighten your skin tone. a chicago family farm deeply rooted in tradition it's been operating since 1909 and was
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once a place for chickens to lay eggs and animals to graze and is now becoming a place where kids can learn. she is from the family's 103 rolled cotton farm. the farm dates back to 1909 back that it had chickens and pigs cows and crops over the year the family modified it a bit and opened it up to the public and it's become a family favorite for kids and adults across chicago land especially in the fall. last year we had 12 pumpkins this year wasn't that great of a year. but that didn't stop the people from coming out. many kids have never even seen a real working farm. so they get a super excited. he's dead paul
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inherited it from his parents. i am 54 soon-to-be 55. on any given autumn day you will find 200-1000 kids here. paul rudd as the sessions daily. on our form we tried to educate them. i ask them where does food come from? some kids really think it comes from a grocery store or mcdonald's or burger king but the didn't know that if we'd we didn't have farmers we wouldn't have food. >> becoming more tax savvy has allowed them to design rather complicated corn mayses among other things this year they featured the presidential election by helping others to
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enjoy their farm as much as they do. just watching their smiling faces or how they live up or get to go on a hayride it puts a smile on my face when they have a smile on their face. she also works with a local program to employ actors for the haunted house most of them are from low- income families and our otherwise unemployed. if you are looking for something a little bit different this halloween marcus leshock offers up a cemetery tour. it is starting to cool off a bit but there is a big change by sunday.
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ha youyou are missing on a year
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round link to chicago history chicagos notable public figures. >> as you can tell these are
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textures that are rather unique this is the marketing manager for the memorial who operates 19 memorials in chicago land including rose hill on chicago's northwest side it was actually created in 1859 it was designed to release the overflow of the lincoln cemetery which was downtown as the city expanded. it is full of breathtaking markers the reason you see it is it's designed to protect you from the elements, the wind and rain and everything that may destroy the integrity of the sulfur. it's like taking a stroll through time some gravesides day all the way back to the civil war. union soldiers are part of the camp douglass prison camp. confederate soldiers that passed away in the camp then were taken to our other cemetery on the south side of chicago the grounds are also
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home to one of the largest community mausoleums ever built this massive structure is nearly the size of the same block inside you'll find the resting place of some of chicago lance biggest names. montgomery ward sears roebuck. and a short ways the way you will find a former vice president. >> right here behind me we have vice president charles dawes. it was his private family mausoleum. over the years notable families have left their mark instant made chapels that date back to the early 1900's. there were coffee and tea merchants here in chicago. we wanted to see something significant to remember him by. they constructed this chapel in honor of him and as you can see it has very unique architecture
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and it has remained the same throughout these years. if you have ever been out here to rose hill you know what they have done they've created a walking tour map that you can take for a property you can find interesting people and monuments that are placed terror but you are not going to miss a 70 + ft. tall structure honoring the famous chicago win. this is the tallest obelisk in the state of illinois at a height of about 72 ft.. you were telling me that the rail line comes in here just because they wanted to put this in right? they actually brought the rail line in so the tallest portion of the centerpiece is all in one piece. and then they constructed on this side so the mayors were powerful back and
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then to? they sure were. thank you marcus. the rose bowl cemetery is open daily from 8-4 and offers a walking tour and a map of its historic cemetery. up next tom skilling forecast next week may be rainy and why breakfast matters it's about more than a full stomach. flip your look from day, to night soft, to bright with covergirl blast flipstick. wearable, blendable double end-able! it's two lipsticks in one. easy, breezy, beautiful blast flipstick from covergirl.
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♪ ♪ ♪ pop goes the world ♪ ♪ it goes something like this ♪ [ female announcer ] pop in a whole new kind of clean with new tide pods... just one removes more stains than the 6 next leading pacs combined. pop in. stand out.we have some amazing
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changing weather coming with warm weather next week into some very chilly weather to follow that. we want to share some great pictures with you though. a beautiful shot of our downtown area and you can see millennium park there in the foreground. up in beautiful lake geneva the leaves are just gorgeous. we were sent this shot from lake geneva. this has been the season that just keeps on giving wind and rain,
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it comes roaring through the area and we still keep the leaves on the trees. what an interesting day all eyes have been on lake michigan every now and then you get clouds to develop that little area as a sign of an awkward burst of air which might have produced a rotary circulation we have been looking for possible waterspouts the water was very cool but i have no reports of that. tonight you can see how the showers have been in a diminishing state haven't produced the mix of rain and low slushy pellets which are melted snowflakes that have come down from above. we had about a quarter inch up crowd point in st. charles that is behind us
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now after 1 in. or more of rain when you put multiple days together. some pretty good amounts of rain in the wake of the air is cool and tonight skies are beginning to clear its 45 at lake geneva. it's chilly out there. here is the lincoln park debut also looking out on the lake we will at least get mixed sunshine into that will allow temperatures to start recovering. there you see it in
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gives way to the warmer air that was already out to the west. here is a big trough leading into the western part of the country in the kids very unsettled weather high elevations of snow unseasonably cool air all of this after a day of predominantly 40 degree temperatures. 60 percent of the days this month have been below normal. towards the end of the two week. some of the models are bringing sticking snow into the
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western midwest that is how much the weather is going to change, 47 tonight in chicago, warm out to the west readings are very unseasonable today. our headlines, windy and warmer by sunday and monday we get some pretty good rains temperatures go to eight degrees above normal next week. and the bears game on monday night will start with a 71 degree temperatures and a 50 percent chance of thunderstorms in the area and a south southeast wind at about 6-10 mi. per hour. we would plenty more about this a big change next week to one or weather. we will show you where some of the snow may fall that will be coming in.
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tonight, scattered showers mixed with ice pellets. low temperature down to 41 tomorrow, no rain clouds in the occasional mixed sunshine with a 59 degree high. on sunday mostly sunny and breezy and notice milder in the afternoon. the price is right we will bump up to 78 but we will go with 70 right now. you were going to love the temperatures next week coming up, well known for its inspection battling
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properties a new study shows how wooohooo....hahaahahaha! oh...there you go. wooohooo....hahaahahaha! i'm gonna stand up to her! no you're not. i know. you know ronny folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico sure are happy. how happy are they jimmy? happier than a witch in a broom factory. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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i said to my wife the other day: i bet you that we could save money by switching to a cheaper detergent than tide. the clothes didn't come out as clean and even i could tell. and now he's doing laundry all month. with tide, obviously. that's my tide. what's yours?
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in tonight's medical watch
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british scientists say the reason we get hungry is becausecranberry extract does not prevent urinary tract or bladder infections cranberries cranberry juice have been long used to ward off such infections but a new study from england says it is significantly less beneficial than previously thought and contrary to popular belief young people with no religion who were diagnosed with life-threatening cancer do not turn to religion. researchers in denmark found that a cancer diagnosis does not alter either in a fetus or religious persons police. standing with the pink tie guys trying to raise money
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for the susan coleman for the care. they sponsored a fund- raising event at the river's park theater. their local influence years to create change pushing closer to finding a breast cancer cure on long this year was the black hawks general manager. and coming up, it's never too early to help out holiday charity gets a great start with chicago volunteers. dean richards says it's tyler perry as you have never seen him. and the bulls led up the united center as they continue their preseason prep. we have the how do you put an unforgettable
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day into a fabric softener? turn downy simple pleasures into downy infusions. new layers of fresh scent create an experience so fresh it's unforgettable. you'll remember the days you wear it. downy infusions.
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>> at the movies this weekend tyler perry and his first action thriller role alex cross in it he is a detective psychologist for the detroit police department hunting down a serial killer for some free halloween scary fun there is paranormal activity for its suburban family witnesses strange events in their neighborhood when a woman
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in the mysterious child movement. the pre broadway run of the musical kinky booths at the bank of america theatre. you could adapt to the story from the 2005 movie about an old shoe factory forced to adapt and change with the times. see it november 4th. in music billy corrigan and the new smashing pumpkins perform in support of their new album. they play with his own band at the chicago theater on friday. you can take a look at my current and past reviews and a list interviews with the stars all on my page at the website. and if you would like my weekly dean's list
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review movie greats sent to your phone every friday text of the word dean to 97999. i hope you have a great weekend. >> holiday giving season kicks off today at the bank of america, volunteers and the greater chicago food depository teamed up at the ymca to distribute fresh produce and table foods to local residents who wanted them thanksgiving is just around the corner it supports children and families in need bank volunteers contributed more than 8000 hours of efforts tom skilling has your forecast. >> 4 is the magic number it's the average number historic plea in 70 degree days we have seen but if the forecast works out we have more than that coming in just the next week and a big change to cooler weather
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say goodbye to the storm that has been around here for three days tomorrow clouds will be broken up and then another storm dips into the plans but that one turns the wind southerly time we're up to monday morning and monday evening to develop some cloud cover as gulf moisture comes in. and there is monday in the morning and monday evening and that will pump the temperatures up, look what happens to those. up to the mid '60s-low seventies on sunday and look at monday this is really nice. some of the northwest suburbs could be down in the low thirties tonight and tomorrow back to the upper 50s and into
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at least the mid '60s on sunday. here is the 10th day forecast showing warmth coming in but you will see how this lenders. thursday a front goes through and colder air comes and you know there is actually snow on the ground here is intended for cast off of one of our models on where snow will accumulate into not this monday but one week from monday so it really shows that we're getting deeper into the cool season as cool air is getting closer. we jumped to 70 sunday. and 76 on thursday and then the bottom drops out next weekend will be talking about a pretty chilly weekend coming up here. it's hard to believe that is true. have a nice weekend.
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>> the bears fans you will see the team back on the field after the bye week. white defense will be ready on monday night. we saw that last tide commercial with the parents and the cute little baby triplets... well wait until your triplets move back home after college. we were enjoying our empty nest. and now it's just a nest full
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of laundry. lucky underwear. we were going through so much of that bargain detergent... and the clothes didn't look as good. but since we switched to tide, we use much less. their clothes are looking much more...uh... what's the word? clean? employable. [ female announcer ] one cap of tide gives you more cleaning power than 6 caps of the bargain brand. [ mom ] that's my tide what's yours? [ female announcer ] so how long have you been living flake-free with head & shoulders? since before jeans were this skinny... since us three got a haircut. since my
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first twenty-ninth birthday. [ female announcer ] head & shoulders. live flake free.
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taking a look at the bulls tonight. the preseason is rolling right along, four games down and 3 to go before the regular season kicks in on halloween night. the ball appears to be in mid-season form so as carlos boozer the fourth quarter he backs in and turns. he led the bulls with 20- 4. neah robinson continues to have a strong preseason he is a love of life with the bulls and they got one from tosh gibson. and a big dump right here part of his double double. 92-81 over the t wolves but the coach is
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not entirely satisfied. we are moving along. we are trying to stick to a 48 minute team but we are sporadic. that's something we have to clean up. >> another sunday without the bears this weekend but at least they have an extra day to prepare for their division-up with the detroit lions they're hoping they will pickoff where they left off before the bye week. the bears seem to be with matthew stafford but they have also seen stafford struggle against the bears cover to defense they have been doing a lot of this lately why not all
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little more on monday? they get greedy and the one the other play. the big plays are going to happen we know that as long as we don't get down we should be ok. it's going to be a battle, it always is. you don't have to wait till monday night for a big football game against the nebraska cornhuskers the most anticipated games of the year for the cats who stunned them in lincoln last year. last week's win over minnesota made the cat's fault eligible but they have better ideas. for allfall eligible.
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we have allowed a full boil ahead of us. that is our focus we have to improve to we have momentum going? yes. game 5 of the national league championship series tonight with the cardinals tried to advance to the world series but there in the ninth the giants are leading 5-nothing more bad news in the nhl lockout it makes a total of 135 games so far including seven for the blackhawks. they got the distance and it's good it ties the game with two seconds to go.
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they say that was the third longest field goal in high school football history. that is it for us this friday night we are happy you shared your time with us. have a good weekend.
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